"Digital Intimacy"
The Art of Feeling the Love via the Net

The field of "Digital Intimacy" is my current passion.

To me that means using the web as a means of healing the world.

The two biggest Digital Intimacy projects are currently HugNation (weekly) and Globalgasm (monthly). Both of which are powereed by the CitizenX Webcam Community tools.

Hug Nation




Faith and Dreams
AKA "My Religion"

I consider myself very spiritual although I don't follow any set spiritual path. I simply feel intimately connected to god, the universe, and you.

The closest I have to organized religion would be: Burning Man, Jacob, & Gardening

Burning Man

The once-a-year gathering of my spiritual community. Here is an essay, "Burning Man is my Church"

My photo essays also try to explain my connection to Burning man.



Jacob Glass gives lectures every Wednesday on "A Course in Miracles." He is funny, accessible, and delivers spiritual messages in ways I find easy to digest. I have grown volumes since attending his weekly talks.



The perfect cycles of plants are constant teachers. A garden is constant proof of miracles.
















My Philosphy